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Aykut Sancaklı


Those who closely follow the Tour de France, the world's biggest cycling race organisation, have witnessed racers crossing the finish line eating handfuls of gummy bears. There is actually a very important reason for these images, which have not been seen in the past. Let's take a look at why collagen should be consumed after intense performance sports activities. 

The Tour 

Covering a distance of over 3,000 kilometres for 3 weeks, the Tour de France, crowned on the majestic mountain peaks of France, is more than a cycling race; it is a test that shows the difficulties the human body can endure. The key to success is the ability of 176 cyclists, who cover 200 km of stages each day at full speed, to get their exhausted bodies ready for the next day's new stage and maintain their performance. This is exactly where collagen consumption comes into play. Scientists investigating the effects of collagen on athlete performance have discovered the important effects of collagen on tissue regeneration, hence the images from the Tour de France. 

Athlete’s Joints Matter 

Of course, one of the purposes of gummy bear consumption is to fill depleted carbohydrate stores. Still, as a result of studies conducted by scientists on athlete joint health, it has been revealed that collagen contributes positively to performance by significantly increasing joint flexibility and reducing injury risks and joint pain. 

Five studies observed positive effects of collagen in reducing joint discomfort and knee pain, improving ankle and knee functionality, and accelerating recovery from Achilles tendinopathy. The studies used 40 mg, 5 g, and 10 g doses of collagen per day. One study was conducted over 3 months), one over 4 months and three studies over 6 months. 

In the health and nutrition market, we are seeing more and more products for sports nutrition as well as products containing collagen. While different forms of PROFIN collagen are used to produce supplements in many different forms (tablet, powder, drink, etc.), our production team focuses on developing the highest quality collagen-innovative sports nutrition products. 


  1. Khatri, M, Naughton, N, Clifford, T, ·Harper, L, Corr, L.; The effects of collagen peptide supplementation on body composition, collagen synthesis, and recovery from joint injury 

and exercise: a systematic review. Amino Acids. 2021. 



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